Thursday, December 3, 2015

Don't make me eat iiiiiittttt

It has finally happened, the day I knew was going to come but was hoping to put it off. At dinner;

Alexiss: "Mom, is this a dead animal?"
Me: "Yes Alexiss it is. Should we give thanks to the animal for giving it's life so we could eat?"
Alexiss: "What kind of animal is it?"
Me: "It's pork......pig"
Alexiss: "I don't like pig anymore"
Me: "Okay, what about steak?"
Alexiss: "Is that a dead animal?"
Me: "Yes, it's cow"
Alexiss: "No, I don't like cow"
Me: "Okay, what about chicken?"
Alexiss: "Yes, I still like chicken."

And so narrow our food choices. I remember a time when she'd try anything. Now the foods that she will no longer eat:

  • bananas (unless in banana bread)
  • brownies (until she found out they were like chocolate cake)
  • cucumbers
  • pickles
  • apple sauce

She did love the lasagna she helped make though. I think that's the trick. If she helps make it, she'll try it. That leaves apples and PB, PB and honey sandwiches, liverwurst on crackers, cheese buns, cheese, yogurt drinks, milk, cereal, toast and jam.......maybe I can still sneak ham in there. 

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