Thursday, January 2, 2014

Yule Blessings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I have a lot of updating to do, you poor people...waiting to see how our Christmas was and not a written word or picture thrown your way!

This is Alexiss having fun with watching herself run around and waving at the iPad today! Excuse the overuse of lip (or rather face) gloss.

It was what I consider Alexiss's first real Christmas where she could participate and take part in the festivities. Living rural has some advantages, like our Fire Fighters playing along and helping Santa come visit kids on Christmas Eve, complete with the fire truck and flashing lights. What a treat! I think Mark was more excited! We weren't quick enough with the camera to catch her running up and hugging him and the picture we did get captured her "What just happened, now I'm freaked out a little" look.

Lexa was spoiled this year, but it was so much fun. She was already overdone before Christmas morning! Matt, Cindi and Malcolm arrived the afternoon of Christmas Eve and the fun and games started almost immediately! Everyone but Lexa stayed up waaaayyy to late and were waaaaay to loud. This Momma tried to finally head to bed at 4AM, only to amble back out around 4:30 because of the noise. I came back out to a surprise Skype visit from Squeezer! Alexiss finally gave into the noise around 5:30AM, she came out of her room, us adults looked at each other with a "now what" look on our faces. Cindi and Matt slinkered off to bed and left Mark and I to figure out what to do. I said I'd take first turn and was victorious in getting her back to bed after an hour or so.

I saw an idea go around Facebook to write on a paper everytime you have a good memory or something to commemorate for the year, then put it in a jar and open it the next New Years. I may take it a bit further and use index cards to save them year to year. A few good things and maybe frustrating moments too, to look back on in the years to come. A physical mini-blog if you like. :D

Oh! Lexa's passed the safe weight for a car seat and has graduated to a booster!

The phrase of the week: "Which one you like?" She does it so she knows what to share with you, whether it be her stuffed toys, puzzle piece or even her boots!

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