Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tinkling and Sprinkling

Yes, Calgary and many parts of Alberta are evacuating due to flooding. Tomorrow is expected to be the crest of the rainfall. We are far enough south east of if all and I assure you, we are all safe.

Safe, yes, but still wet in more ways than just rain fall. Ali's had a set back tonight and has peed on my floor and carpet tonight 4 times! Twice, just in front of a toilet! The second time she tracked wet feet all through the house before asking for my help. bahhhhh. I'm not sure whether to be mad or concerned about a bladder infection. I guess if I force the funny bright side... my floors are clean and I've got two loads of laundry done that would've otherwise waited for tomorrow. So bath after bath, I finally left her in there for a bit longer so the house would be safe til bedtime. They were so closely timed that her second and third bath was in the same water! Some day, some one (read Ali) is going to hear THIS story for sure. Over and over and over again.

Lately I've been told "Four more minutes" when asking Ali to do something.

Today she played in a puddle and got her shoes wet. We came inside and had lunch then when it was time to go back outside she complained about putting on those same shoes, "There's puddle in my shoe."

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