Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's a day in the park! (picture heavy post!)

A few weeks back, Mark was on holiday and we all had a fun day at the playgrounds in Wyndham Park, just a hop skip and jump from home.

Oh, we're going...where?

Aye Aye Captain!

wandering to the swings

Hanging with Dad, this is the second hanging with Dad shot, I think I see a tradition starting.

Going Downnnn!

What next?

We own this park, don't forget it!

Thanks Dad! Can we go for ice cream yet?

Who's the kid here?




I heard you met my brother. Remember... WE own the park!

Looking out over the Bow Riber (Bow River)

See over there, Dad?

Finally! Ice Cream! Only Chocolate will do! If it's not chocolate, it's not ice cream in Ali's books!

mmmm.... mmmmm

Tinkling and Sprinkling

Yes, Calgary and many parts of Alberta are evacuating due to flooding. Tomorrow is expected to be the crest of the rainfall. We are far enough south east of if all and I assure you, we are all safe.

Safe, yes, but still wet in more ways than just rain fall. Ali's had a set back tonight and has peed on my floor and carpet tonight 4 times! Twice, just in front of a toilet! The second time she tracked wet feet all through the house before asking for my help. bahhhhh. I'm not sure whether to be mad or concerned about a bladder infection. I guess if I force the funny bright side... my floors are clean and I've got two loads of laundry done that would've otherwise waited for tomorrow. So bath after bath, I finally left her in there for a bit longer so the house would be safe til bedtime. They were so closely timed that her second and third bath was in the same water! Some day, some one (read Ali) is going to hear THIS story for sure. Over and over and over again.

Lately I've been told "Four more minutes" when asking Ali to do something.

Today she played in a puddle and got her shoes wet. We came inside and had lunch then when it was time to go back outside she complained about putting on those same shoes, "There's puddle in my shoe."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Yawn.. oh! Right.. Happy Birthday Daddy!

We've had two late nights, Ali's been having a hard time settling into sleep. So this morning she was quite the lazy lil bumblelina. So while she did this...

I did this...

(nice, eh? I know there's a ton of other things I could've been doing, but Momma's Murphy's Law, if it's something big to take my attention and focus... Ali senses it and wants to help or distract me)

Then we made THIS!
Whoops, bless you Ali!

Here's the other side!

Tonight we did THIS after dinner. Happy Birthday Mark! Cake even! Ali helped!

Monday, June 3, 2013

A morning in the Big City.

What a great day! We had an appointment for car servicing in the big city (Calgary) and I tell ya, take us out of rural Carseland and Value Village and grocery shopping at a different grocery store and you've got one heck of a day! Last night, Mark and I were wavering on who would go in alone and sit at the dealership waiting when I got the brilliant idea to take both vehicles, leave one and go shopping.

I thought, maybe, just maybe, I was spoiling Ali in Value Village with some My Little Ponies and a case, a few new outfits, add that to Mark's picks of  a train set and building blocks packed away for another rainy day, and you've got a pretty good haul. Then we hit Safeway and I knew I was really spoiling her! A little toy pitcher with cups and a BALLOON! And sweet mother of all things caffeine, for Momma, Tassimo iced coffee. I kid you not, they've got it, limited edition... really!

Ali and her new friend Balloon were inseparable today. It started with the truck ride to drop me off back at the dealership to pick up the car. When I met up with them at home....

Ali was still in the truck having a nice quiet time with Balloon.

After the long ride, before anything else...

Then they ran around with Dad

A little break and a little something to eat

 Then some TV watching

and a little lie-down on the floor

 now that's not really a lie-down.... more like feet-up

Olive, Lauren and Olivia (Eva) came to visit

The kids wanted to go outside in between the rain,
and of course, Balloon had to come outside too!

and play on the swings

Then Ali faked me out for a nap and... didn't... then another snack..with Balloon close by

Drawn back to her new little pony figurines.... but never forgetting Balloon

 Running around with Dad again with Gramma and Papa on Skype. The stuff on the floor is a jump/line thing with letters made with masking tape. Fun Learning ya'll! Someday I'll explain better, but today was all about Balloon, not the floor tape thing.

And hiding in the closet.... bet you don't know where Ali's hiding!

 Another little lie-down before dinner.

After dinner, time to bring Balloon out for a walk!

Here we go Balloon! Hold on, she's windy today! 

 Down the street, look for cars Ali. :D

Told ya it was windy!

Wait, a puddle! Balloon won't mind a splash.

Wait, a worm! Balloon won't mind a peek.

Well now... Momma has the balloon...

 and around and around Ali goes! 

another puddle! Yay! BIG puddle! 

Finally back home, Balloon once again reunited with Ali. 

Now we're having some quiet TV time and bedtime is creeping close. Time for a Momma to go get another picture... maybe... but only if Balloon goes to bed with her. 

Night all!