Sunday, February 24, 2013

The lion sleeps tonight!

Yesterday Mark surprised me with flowers and Ali and I sat and looked..and smelled in their beauty. Upon teaching her that the big orange ones were daisies (gerbra daisies), she caught onto their names quick. When we got to the pink daisy she yelled out that it was "Mickey!". See the connection. Daisy Duck must surely mean Mickey is around! Hehehehe

After two weeks of bliss, the sleep situation got much worse. I've now moved a futon mattress into Ali's room....and we sleep. Ahhhhh

The computer is in for some much needed TLC leaving me with the this is gonna be short, but I could't resist telling the daisy story!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog, it was kind of you. Your daughter is darling!
