Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On the up-swing (and the slide)

Mark, being the sweetie that he is, offered yesterday to stay home today to help out since Ali and I have been sick all week. It's a good thing! Ali and I didn't sleep much last night but today I got to sleep in, TIL 12:00! Yes, folks, that's right, 12:00 NOON! While that won't surprise some people (Hi, Mom!), these days 8:30 is sleeping in.

For being sick, Ali's was still pretty active and had fun with Daddy today. He's so crafty, he made a slide... out of couch cushions. I guess being tired of building a fort and hiding was the spark of creativity!

(and YES, those ARE big girl panties! Ali's been doing great peeing on the toilet, the first few days were rough but she's getting the hang of it. Of course, I must brag, she's been pooping on the toilet for about a year! It's mostly been her training me to see the signs, there's a name for that... Elimination Communication I think. Basically I watched for signs and we would go use the toilet to poop. We'd spend the time chatting or reading a book and some days it's hard to get her off of the toilet cuz she's enjoying her time. I don't pressure her, and still don't, pressuring her, as strong willed as she is, only results in frustration on both of our parts. So, it's not an all day thing, there's times she's in diapers, and times when she's not. I let her decide..and she's opting for no diapers more and more, specially since she's caught on that it can be a quick pee instead of sitting and visiting EVERY time)

I'm so crafty, I made Ali's first game! I guess watching her oogle Daddy's and being curious.. and wanting to protect Mark's game...and side swiping Ali's NEED to see was the spark of creativity!

(She enjoyed rolling the die more than the game itself, eventually the board game was left behind for shaking the die in a container. Here's where it gets freaky on a meta physical level; as she was shaking I told Mark that's what she was doing with M-O-N-E-Y at Gramma and Papa's, I spelled out money instead of saying it. I swear Ali looked up right away and said "money".. holy crap, can she spell!!! Did she just put the other stuff together and remembered!!! Did she read my mind!!! Whatever it was, it took my so by surprise that I had tears in my eyes. I do really think she remembered and understood the rest to know what I was talking about.)

and one of many pictures from one of Ali's games. She does a game, gets a dress-up item, dresses up  Scout or Violet and can snap pictures. Ali LOVES snapping pictures.... Momma LOVES deleting the endless rows of them...

Well, I've been home for 2 months. The business (yarn store) is starting to take shape, I'm finally getting the hang of working 8 hrs from home and I think I'm starting to enjoy being home, I definitely enjoy and am super grateful that I get to be home with my girl!

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