Saturday, June 11, 2011

World here we come, let's start with Ontario!

Here's Alexiss with the Fingerless Glove Fanatics (FGF) Traveling Mitt. I started the group on Ravelry. com, a huge community of knitters and crocheters (1,382,112 members to date) with pages to keep track of finished projects (with photos), patterns we want to knit (there's a database of 223,020 patterns from books, magazines, websites and some just on Ravelry....anyone can add a pattern if they are knitting something not in the database), needles and hooks, yarn and books/magazines. On top of all that, there are groups that have their own forums, I created the FGF group in Dec of 2007 and we are now 7500 members strong. This special mitt travels from member to member and we take pictures with it. I had planned on a geocaching event, but the event is in July not June.

Alexiss continues to surprise us! She's now pointing to communicate what she wants, so far it's been pointing at the TV to watch Baby Einstein's in the morning, she usually watches it while I make her breakfast. It's nice to know she enjoys it. :)

Yesterday she wasn't too interested in her formula, perhaps she's weening herself? We'll see if it's a trend that continues.

She's definitely getting around the living room with her little commando drag, it looks like she's got a lame leg in a zombie kinda way....kinda gross... but it does the trick! I've started saying "brains..brains" when she does it. What a cute little zombie she is!

Last night she was so tired from all the zombie crawling that she didn't finish her bed time bottle before falling asleep, which meant she was napping rather than sleeping. An hour later she woke up for more food/formula (no, it wasn't brains, I swear) and when Mark went into her room (I followed close behind, bottle in hand), she was sitting up in her bed looking around.

There's no stopping her now! Sitting up, pointing and zombie crawlin, the world is hers!

One more sleep until our trip home! I wonder if the airport's ready to deal with the Rydersons! I wonder if Mark's arms are ready for all our shtuff!

There's a few things I'm looking forward to doing with Alexiss, most of them are special things I did as a teen in Niagara. Geocaching for sure, I've got to get her a few finds on her profile! I can't wait for the Newfie Boil Up (and meeting Sammy!), a drive along the Niagara Parkway, a drive along Lundy's Lane on a weekend, stopping at Tim Horton's to sit in the parking lot and watch the classic cars drive by and going to a car show! Selfishly I'm looking forward to lunch at a fry wagon. I'll have to get some touristy things in and get pictures of her..for her.

Besides that, it's the people! I haven't been home since moving away 7 or so years ago. Introducing Alexiss to her great grandparents! My Nana is beside herself to have such a little treasure. None of us Ryder's seemed to make it a life goal to have kid's of our own and Nana never thought she'd get to be a great grandmother. I think Nana would really enjoy us attending church with her. We'll get to meet Rylen and see Sue, Darryl and Adam! We'll also get to meet Sean, Christina Bellon-Graves son born shortly after Alexiss and Violet Smith, Ryan and Linda's little bundle of joy.

Heh, it's funny, I'm looking forward to seeing the people but for some reason I'm looking forward to Alexiss meeting and playing with other kids. Ack, I've become a mom. lol

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