Friday, January 15, 2016

Loose Toof

It's finally happened. A loose tooth! Everything was normal Monday when Alexiss went to school. When I picked her up I got the usual running hug THEN she exclaimed "I got a loose tooth!". I was waiting for more; that perhaps she had done something and hurt herself and it ended up with a loose tooth. Nope, it was A LOOSE TOOTH.

Suddenly, my mind was racing "I'm not ready for this, what happens when it's time to come out... I don't wanna... I don't wanna... ewwww". Heck, I had no idea if I had days or weeks to prepare myself for it. I was excited but I was nervous. So was Ali.

So I'd heard that eating pizza does the trick for helping get teeth out, but apparently, so does chewy homemade chocolate chip cookies. At bed time last night I asked to see her loose tooth again, she moved it and it didn't move back. It was obvious that it had to come out before bed. Oh dear... I'm not ready! But, we've all seen it work; tie some floss (like I'm tying shoes) and pull, right? WRONG!

I looped the floss and tried to put it over her tooth which was a feat in itself. I'd just get it close, she'd move her lip and off it would come. Over and over again. The two attempts that did tie ended up loosened as I pulled and no tooth came with it. I'm trying not to shake and show how grossed out and terrified I am, we're both giggling and being troopers. "Okay, Ali, this time it's going to work". WRONG!

Now what? Before panic set in on both our parts I figured I'd better smarten up.

After a few failed attempts, I thought I'd just try without the floss but it's that curved front bottom tooth. I don't think dry or wet anyone could get a good hold. After I don't know how many tries I remembered the knot that I hate to do (and usually skip) when casting-on my knitting, the slip knot! That's sure to work! As I pull it tightens. It did! EWWWWW. I almost feeling like gagging, Ali is crying. Thank goodness I had the foresight to have a cup of water ready for rinsing.

This morning she was nervous about eating without her tooth and terrified of brushing her teeth, but we made it through and she proudly ran up to her teacher when we got to school and showed off. It seems she's the first kid in her class with a loose tooth and they were tracking how many days it was going to take to come out on the black board.

If you look close enough, you can still see the tear in her eye. She was brave, until the tooth came out. Then I think she collapsed into a puddle in relief finally able to let out how scared she was feeling. I didn't cry, but I certainly needed a few minutes to regain composure. The next one will either be more nerve wracking because we know what we're in for, or better because it wasn't so bad the first time. We shall see.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Christmas and Keys

Christmas has come and gone and we're back to school and work. It was a wonderful happy whirlwind of jolly busy days and a few down days. Alexiss performed in her first concert and a kind neighbor who'd had a few under her belt saved Mark and I an awesome seat! Alexiss was trooper, even though it went past her bedtime.

Alexiss had only asked Santa for a pink pony and a Paw Patroller. Unfortunately the Paw Patroller was no where to be found, not even at the North Pole! He made up for it by hiding the Paw Patrol gang (stuffies) through out the house.

Christmas Eve we were all in a fluster, Maw in the kitchen and Alexiss in her dress. Awaiting the arrival of our close friends Matt and Cindi. We ate, we laughed....we had a great night and day. The turkey was amazing! Much better than the year I tried turkey breast in the crock pot and the plug had kinda come loose, mind you ham and eggs for Christmas was just as good, it's the company that makes it memorable.

So here we are, in 2016. Alexiss begins going to school for 3 full days instead of 2 and this Momma is going to take every other Friday off instead of going into the office. Yes, yes, I know today is Wednesday and I'm home updating the blog and that that goes against what I just said. You see, I managed to lock the keys in the truck this morning.....

So I kept warm in the entrance while calling to tell Mark what happened. By luck, he had taken the truck keys out of his pocket and put them on the hook at home! Now I just had to get home. One parent stayed and made sure I was okay, offering even after she left to help if I needed it and called. One friend had just left to go help out an aunt, one friend had gone into the office instead of working from home, and one friend said her husband was on his way to town anyway and had time to help. I figured I'd take today off instead and go into the office on Friday. More good luck, our door has a keypad, it held in for one more move before the batteries gave out. AND I got to see the most wonderful sunrise. Ahhh, life is good.