Monday, July 6, 2015

Our last summer hurrah before school

I've always been aware of online safety but even moreso since blogging Ali's Blossoming though Life blog.

Blogging has been a favorite outlet of mine since my online existence began but I find myself being leery of sharing too much and disclosing to the masses, more personal information about where we live and play. As Ali starts school, it becomes more important to keep her safe as she ventures out into the world.

I found myself wanting to share a picture of us registering Alexiss for kindergarden, but the picture was taken at the front of the school at a brick structure with a bell and the school name and year etched into it. I recognize that while this blog is used to keep family and friends in the loop in Ali's life, it's also public and anyone can stumble in here.

My first social experience online was with Her Interactive, the makers of the Nancy Drew adventure games. They had a younger audience and thus had strict rules about what people could share with each other. I always respected their wishes to take care of those who may not realize that innocent information could put them in danger of untoward circumstances. I'm thankful for that experience and awareness.

The new trend, and I LOVE it, is to have a password with your child. If anyone tries to pick them up without the password, the child is NOT to go with that person. It puts a bit of a spin on the "stranger danger" and gives them control. What a great idea, borne from technological advances but migrating to every day life away from the computer.

As I endeavor to keep personal identifiable information off of the blog, it's becoming increasing difficult. Although I cannot share her school picture I can share a few things.

Not pictured is Ali's first experience with team sports. We tried soccer this year and after the first game I had to tell Ali that sports isn't about sharing. She went with Dad and Opa while Momma and Oma went knitting. She made it through almost to the end, but it lost it's luster. I'm thinking of trying T-ball next year since it's a team but the ball isn't in a scrimmage of kids pushing each other.

Early spring and Alexiss couldn't wait to get the pool out again!

Bird watching with Oma and Opa. I love this picture!

Their reaction after peeking into our tent as we try camping and "comfort camping"

What could be better than a cookie tiara?

Ali and Jack's "first date". Jack joined us at gymnastics for "bring a friend day". Afterward we got some lunch at Tim Horton's and sat at a park on the airport runway to watch the planes.

Finally getting back into geocaching after a few years break. I hope I can keep the momentum. It really is fun, I'd forgotten all the fun benefits.

The AWESOME cake Ali and I made for Mark's birthday. I made the man and the sun, Ali did the sky and the grass.