Sunday, December 22, 2013

Quote and Thought

Tonight's quote: "Momma, it's my necklace, it's not a boogie."

Translation: "I stuck a bead from my necklace up my nose Momma. What do I do now?" Thank goodness Mark had the wits to just push on the side of her nose, out it popped.

Thought of the day: A child is a child and no matter how strict or soft you are, the child is still a child. They will still hate bedtime (well, not all of them), they will still pick their nose in public, they will still want candy instead of dinner even if you've said no for what feels like a thousand times or if you don't often say no. A parents style has no bearing on how a child behaves.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Preschool Party!

Today was a Preschool Party and all the parents were invited! Lexa was so excited when Daddy said he'd come! She gave him a big hug and said "THAT'S WONDERFUL"

I realized yesterday we were supposed to bring a treat to share with the class. Lexa's not a huge cookie or cake eater, so lucky for me, we had enough oranges and cheese in the fridge to bring a healthy snack!

Getting ready to go!

Mrs. Wiebe worked hard to help Lexa get on her corsage. Only seconds later she came to me and wanted it off so she could hold it.

Lexa and Momma

Lexa held onto her flower!

Dear Santa 2013 - 3 yrs old

Dear Santa

I would like a pink car. I would like to watch this show. How are you please. Thank you for this. See you soon.

Love Alexiss

I typed exactly how it came out of her mouth. I was trying to coach her a bit, but it didn't help much. I told Dale at the post office to send along a message to Santa to not eat or drink while reading it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snow Day!

A storm came through on Tuesday. Mark had made it to work but a few hours later our neighbor barely made it home. All day I watched the drift in the back yard get higher and higher and the tree fade in and out of focus. I sent Mark many pictures, hoping and waiting for it to slow, by the end of his working day I told him to find somewhere in Calgary to bunk out for the night. As night drew near I set my alarm at 2 hour intervals to wake me enough to peek and make sure the pilot light on the gas fireplace wasn't puffed out and the lights were still on. Our outside vent for the fireplace has a habit of collecting, melting and refreezing snow effectively blocking off the vent. Thankfully we never lost power. The wind continued to howl all night.

Up in the morning to check and see how snowed in we are. Front door was a no go, but I peeked over the drift to chuckle with our neighbors and grumble about the work ahead. With Mark in Calgary I knew I'd at least have to dig a pathway, I knew there was no getting out of the neighborhood until help arrived. Sweet neighbors played the "you're a single mom right now" card and snow blowed the driveway. KeeKee was quick to help dig out the front porch, I didn't realize why..until I saw them still shoveling at 4:00 and finally realized KeeKee needed something that had a light at the end of the tunnel. They had no where left to put the snow from their driveway, the snow pile beside their house was already one storey high! Needless to say my snow fort is buried.

First sight of the drifts

Lexa having fun while Momma musters the strength to start shoveling

Front Door?

Marv with the snow blower helping out

Laughing..because what else are you going to do?
KeeKee, myself and Lexa with Ashley, Lauren and their mom Racheal walked out to see how bad the drift across the road was. They climbed to the top (I didn't) and laughed at the two vehicles on the other side. Ours was only one of the 8 foot drifts between us and the main road.


The road is here somewhere

The drift across the road from the other side


Finally a passage! This is a friend and neighbor driving through the newly plowed drift.

I called Mark at 3:00 to let him know the way was kinda cleared, enough for him to make it home at least! Yay. And Lexa played and played...