Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ahhh, good morning!

It's been a tough few weeks, Alexiss hasn't been herself and hasn't been sleeping well. Last Wednesday we found out why, poor lil girl was sick. It's been a year since her and I had that horrible stomach flu so I guess we were due. Mark also caught a touch of it and I've been fighting something off. Let me tell ya, though, our little girl was such a trouper and now she's bounced back and is full of vim and vigor!

The sweetest thing she did was one night while I was trying to put her down to sleep for the night. She took my hand and rubbed her head with it.. of course I took the hint and soothed her as she drifted off.

She's trying to talk again too, mind you ball and bath sound much the same at this point, but it's a start. Sometimes she comes out with some wild sentences that sound like she knows what she's saying, it makes me wonder. A few months ago, on a weekend, I woke up and Mark said "look who's up", I swear she repeated him... and hasn't said it since. She's starting to mimic me for simple words, so it becomes a game of her and I saying things like "bum" and "bed" back and forth as she smirks. Come to think of it "ball", "bath", "bum" and "bed" all sound a lot alike. lol

What a smile on her when she's up to no good, it starts at her mouth but her eyes! they literally shine with her thoughts and I can almost hear her say "watch THIS Momma... I know you're not gonna like it, but I sure am!".

Mark is away in Ontario this weekend, visiting with his terminally ill grandmother. I fought with the feeling that we should all go, but Alexiss is such a little ball of energy and Mark's grandmother is already weakening, I can't imagine adding the stress having Alexiss's non-stop action in the house. Mark comes home on Sunday, and Oma and Opa (Mark's parents) are coming through today and staying a week. It's going to be a houseful since Olive will still be coming to care for Lauren and Mark has Monday off.

Well, it's happened, our little girl is growing up. She's made the transition herself of going to bed in her crib. I still cuddle her and rock her, but she can't get comfy. Some of the best cuddles and conversations happy when she's squirming around, she even stops squirming, looks at me and plants a kiss on my lips. I usually take that as an indication that she's ready for her crib. She still cries a bit when I leave the room, but not for long.

Well, she's up and calling for someone to come get her. Our day starts!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

As she sleeps

More videos!

Alexiss is growing and learning more and more everyday!

Dancing with a partner

Downtime on the iPad

Being silly (you can hear my Mom laughing through Skype)