Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A handful!

Alexiss has been more clingy since returning home from my short trip alone to Ontario, Mark, try as he may, cannot lure her away from wanting to be with me. She's so cute, smiling more and more everyday, and its' getting easier and easier to play and make her laugh. I swear she's on the verge of talking, it seems more and more she's showing that she understands what I ask her and mimics short words back.

We took a few videos and pictures to send to Gramma to help her feel better while eating, cuz that's the only time she stays still, and while out at a nearby out of the way run-down park with a geocache in it!

A handful of laundry. Boy will this video come in handy one day!

A handful of food and a big smile.

on the way to geocaching...

A handful of a geocache container wandering around a nearby out-of-the-way run-down park.

Some random pics, the other little girl is Lauren who comes to our house for care with Olive on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fridays.

Sorry John, she wasn't super picky on the doughnut and chose a cookie instead. We tried.. and hey, I finally got a chance to upload the pics for you!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hello out there!? I'm still here.

I'm still here, are you still there?

We've had a crazy few weeks. A missing cat, a returned cat, a day of rest, then a travel day to Ontario to help out Gramma and Papa. Mom is doing much better and our lil Alexiss and Mark did amazing without me, a dare-say they had fun together!

Two weekends ago, Alexiss and I were treated to sighting of a deer tromping through the back yard! What a sight!

K, I'm going to get myself situated for a day of home life with Alexiss. Love to you all!